Be Careful What You Wish For, Will – Snow!

Will, Grey & White Cat in Snow Will often seems like he is trying to find a way to sneak out of the door. I think it has to do with his strong stalker and hunter instincts.

He seems to think he wants to take off outside at times. But, I know he has a spoiled baby side. He would not like it out there as much as he thinks.

With a decent amount of snow on the ground, Buxton and Mini enjoyed some time playing outside. As usual, Will and Grace seemed awfully curious about what was going on.

Will, of course, acted like he really wanted out there. My daughter asked if she kept a hold on him, if she could take him outside for a couple of minutes.

Our cats never go outside. Will has never been in the snow. He seemed to think he wanted to experience it, so I agreed.

My daughter let him put his front paws on the ground and touch the snow. Let’s just say, Will may have learned to be careful what he wishes for being as he did not care for that cold stuff.

After about two or three minutes, my daughter carried him back inside. He looked so insulted. He even ran and hid like he was pouting. He seemed upset that we actually let him be outside. 🙂 I don’t think he likes the outside, at least when there is snow. He may still enjoy looking outside, but at least for now, he doesn’t seem to interested in trying find a way to get out there anymore.

I tried to tell him that no matter how big and bad he tries to act, he is still my big baby. Guess I was right. He found out he prefers being babied inside.

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